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Stonehenge Hippies

Stonehenge: From Hippie Haven to Violent Bloodshed

A Decade of Summer Solstice Chaos

In the peaceful morning hours of August 1971, a small group of young adults peacefully pitched their tents at the heart of Stonehenge, unaware of the turmoil that would soon engulf this ancient landmark.

The Rise of Violence

Over the following years, the summer solstice at Stonehenge transformed into a scene of chaos, with screaming, violence, and bloodshed becoming commonplace. The once-tranquil atmosphere was shattered, casting a dark shadow over the monument's reputation.

The Stonehenge Free Festival

From 1974 to 1984, the Stonehenge Free Festival took hold, attracting thousands of revelers who sought freedom and escape. However, the festival's peaceful nature soon gave way to unrest and conflict, tarnishing the spirit that had once prevailed.

A False Narrative

Despite the widespread perception of harm inflicted upon hippies at Stonehenge in 1971, no actual injuries occurred. The true story, however, remains buried beneath the layers of sensationalism and myth that have woven themselves around this enigmatic monument.

The Enduring Symbolism

Today, Stonehenge stands as a silent witness to the turbulent past that has unfolded within its sacred circle. The summer solstice continues to draw crowds eager to experience the mystical energy of the monument, a testament to its enduring significance and the resilience of the human spirit.
